A good place to start is at the official welcome page of alt.consumers.sweepstakes, a Usenet newsgroup for sweepers.
SWEEPSTAKES AND CONTESTS ARE EVERYWHERE! Search for them yourself or check the dozens of personal and business Web sites that list them. You can also receive sweepstakes information through email through sweepstakes e-mail lists and e-mail newsletters.
Stumped by a contest? You may be able to find the answer at one of several answer pages some sweepers maintain.
Sign our Guest Book, and talk with sweepers across the country at Rags-to-Riches' Message Forum, the Winning Ways Sweepstakes Message Board, The SweepSheet® Conversation Corner and SweepSource's Sweepstakers' Forum.
Confused about computers? Find the answers you need at The Sweepstakes Addict's Survival Center.
Entering Web sweepstakes is always FREE. There are legitimate Web contests that charge fees, but most are free.
As for mail-in sweepstakes, you should NEVER spend anything more on them than the cost of a post card, envelope, stamp and card or paper. If any sweepstakes sponsor asks for ``postage and handling,'' ``shipping'' or any other type of fee, that's usually a sign they're not legitimate.
Learn how to fight back against spam at the Fight Spam on the Internet! Web site. Find out about laws regulating sweepstakes and contests at the Contest and Sweepstakes Law Web site maintained by the Arent Fox, a Washington, D.C., law firm.
Find more great links at: The Winner's Guide to Sweepstakes, Contests, Games and Free Stuff |